Tuesday, March 3, 2015

28 Things I Learned in the 28 Days of February

  1. You are never too old to get a Valentine's Day card from you grandma.
  2. Hoop skirts are heavy.
  3. Snow, That's all I'm gonna say, just snow.
  4. 5 pound chihuahuas can't walk on ice.
  5. Birthday parties in the dark are just as much fun (thanks F's).
  6. Nutella is even better cold, who knew.
  7. Roses can freeze if you leaves them out in the car when it is 15 degrees, but the amazing thing is that they thaw just fine.
  8. I can eat 1/2 of a strawberry pie without getting sick.  Don't judge me, it was my birthday.
  9. My sister can't be trusted.  
  10. Sonic closes at mid-night, not 11 p.m., which is a very important thing to know when it is 10:43 p.m. and you have a group of 25 hungry people.
  11. I will never understand people, no offence.  It's nothing personal, it's just that y'all don't make sense to me sometimes. 
  12. My brother does not need espresso, 
  13. My dad really can't cook, he isn't just faking it.
  14. The Apostle Paul knew how to give an insult.  (Acts 23.3)
  15. A gluten free diet is a little overwhelming, but I can do this.
  16. Corn pasta is nasty.
  17. Arkansas can have a winter, but it can stop now.
  18. Before the throne of God above I have a strong, a perfect plea.  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3m4LMqQyH5Y)
  19. If you stack candy corn up in a circle with the fat side out it looks like an ear of corn.
  20. My sister likes the brake pedal.
  21. I am a person of habit.  My mom pointed out that I eat one of two things everyday for lunch.
  22. The Voice of the Martyrs has an app. 
  23. I have an amazingly supportive mom.
  24. Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia has 35 letters in it and is the fear of long words, kinds ironic isn't it.
  25. The Phone Tracker app completely drains your phone battery.
  26. Marshmallows help sore throats.
  27. Biscuits taste better when they are made in a dutch oven over an open fire. 
  28. I don't know how to schedule a post  to, well, post, thus this being three days late.