Hello there, dear little blog. So very much has happened in the fifteen months that have passed since I have taken the time to type away on these keys. I hardly know were to begin or what to say. I will save you all of the details but in short…
Last summer Dad fell at work, tearing his ACL and shattering his elbow. Mom struggled with insomnia, making it hard for her to function, and constantly struggled with having a migraine. We finally discovered that her body had stopped producing iron, causing her to be severely anemic. In the middle of all of this, my medicine levels got out of whack, causing me to be nauseous and my heart to race. After a summer at the doctors office and many prayers, we were all well.
Early last fall Grant got saved. It was the most wonderful end to such a long summer! That Sunday afternoon after church are all went down to the river and my Dad baptized him.
This summer has been quite a whirlwind as well. It started with me graduating with my Associates of Science in K-6 Education the beginning of May.
Four days later, I had my gallbladder removed.
Two and half weeks after my surgery, my honorary "big brother" married his Mrs. Perfect. She is one of the sweetest people that I know and I am super excited to have her as a "sister-in-law”!
I had the honor of being in charge of the wedding cake and 300 cupcakes. (You two had better know that I love ya'll (=!)
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(cupcakes all packed up and ready to go) |
Just one month later my honorary "big sister" married her better half. He is absolutely wonderful and is always such an encouragement to be around.
But no slowing down yet, as if two weddings wasn’t near enough partying, the Felton’s decided to throw their annual 4th of July party. This year was much smaller than the previous two with only eighty-five guest rather than the one hundred and fifty-seven the year before.
There was yet one more wedding at the last Saturday in July and a few more cakes to make before my summer was over. Another friend was getting married and had asked me to help ensure that they did not run out of wedding cake. So, back into the kitchen I went and ten sheet cakes were made.
During all of this craziness I struggled with making the decision of what to do now that I had graduated with my Associates. And then, two weeks before school started(I am not very good at decision making) I decided that I was not going back. Instead of college, I am going to attempt to start an online bakery. (yes, even after all of the cakes and cupcakes that I made this summer). I am just starting the process, so it will be a little while before I actually get going, but I am very excited. I agonized over whether or not this was what the Lord had for me to do, or if I was supposed to get my Bachelors degree, but, after months of agonizingly analyzing every pro and con to both and praying about it constantly, I feel that I made the right decision. I have never wanted a career, just to be a stay at home wife and mother, so while I wanted a degree in case I ever needed it, II also wanted a stay at home business. So, I decided why spend two more years working on earning a degree that I never want to have to use. Instead I will be working on fulfilling my dream of starting a stay at home, online bakery that I can use to support my family if the need ever arises.
In the mean time, I have started an Etsy store selling accessories that I make, along with wooden signs, home decor., and burlap wreaths. (go and check it out HERE!
And just as everything seemed to finally be falling back into place after over a year, my Grandma fell and became sick. After a night stay in the floor after falling and not being able to get up and five days in the hospital she is now in a nursing home rehab center regaining her strength while we build her a room onto our house. I’m super proud of how hard she is working to get better and am amazed by how much progress she is making everyday. In just one week she went from not being able to rollover in bed by herself to walking around the nursing home with her walker, by her self! Thank you Jesus!
So, there is a not so brief brief summary of the past fifteen months of my life and were I am now.