Saturday, October 25, 2014

an introduction

Hi there!  I'm not much for introductions, I would much rather to just sit down and carry on a good ol' conversation, but blogger says that I should start off with an introduction.  So here it goes...

My name is Nikki and that is me with my life long, absolutest best friend Harlie,
(I'm on the right)

I live on a farm in the middle of beautiful, rural Arkansas were the tea is always sweet, the chicken is always fried, Y'all is a proper noun,yonder is a clear direction, and people pride themselves in, "being able to smell a Yankee from a mile away".

       I live on this farm with my amazingly wonderful parents...


My positively marvelous younger sister, Rebekah
(aka. bekah, B. rebah, bek, and blondie)... 

and my awesomely cool little brother, Grant.

(ain't we a good lookin' bunch?)

Along with our two hairy babies...

Mr. Bennett, a 3 1/2 year old long haired
Chihuahua who just wants to be loved on... 

and Cowboy, a 3 year old, short haired
 Border Collie who has more than enough 
energy and just wants to make you happy. 

(Aren't they cute?)

Now for a little bit about me...
I am a college student currently working on my Associates of Arts and trying to figure out what degree to pursue from there.
I love music of all kinds from bluegrass by to Ricky Skaggs, to rap by Lecrea, and everything in between.  
I love laughing and having fun with my family and friends, chocolate, strawberry pie, and anything Italian..  I am a history buff, a crazy Christmas lady, and a hopeless romantic.
I love baking, mysteries, winter, old movies, and Rummikub.
My favorite color is green and my favorite movie is Sleepless in Seattle.
I am a sinner saved by the wonderful matchless grace of Christ Jesus my King and my Savior.
I was home-schooled K through twelfth by my incredible mama.
That's enough talking about myself.  If you want to find out more about me, why don't you stick around and get to know me a little bit better through my random chatter.

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