Wednesday, January 28, 2015

For such a time as this ~Esther 4:14

     All little girls and boys have heard the story of brave and beautiful queen Esther.  How she was chosen to be queen and saved her people from evil Haman's plan to annihilate them.  She was placed in the kingdom for such a time as that.  A time when God would use her to save millions of people.  She did not do anything great or spectacular, she simply followed God and let Him use her to save his people from destruction.  
    God can use us too.  Just like he did Esther.  While we were more than likely not place in our current role in life to save an entire race of people, God can and will use us to do extraordinary things if we will just let Him.  Look for the opportunities that God places in your life.  Live life to the fullest and keep your eyes open, continually seeking out the open doors that He places before you.  Ask Him for the strength to walk through them.  Ask Him to use you in whatever situation you find yourself in at this very moment.  Our God is great and He can use the smallest most mundane moments in our life for His glory.
     Your "for such a time as this" moment could be helping an elderly lady across the street, or holding the door open for the mom with three toddlers and a crying baby at Chik-fil-a.  It could be as simple as smiling at the person sitting next to you in class.  If God can use you in just one persons life, to bless them in just one simple way, to encourage them and show them the love that God has so mercifully lavished upon us, then that day, no matter how hard, or boring, or routine it may have seemed was in God's plan and was used to glorify Him.

(my sweet little cousin on her 5th birthday)

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